Dear friends,
As we gather this season to reflect on gratitude and togetherness, I want to take a moment to share my heartfelt thanks with each of you who have supported the Mental Health Association of Monmouth County this year.
Since stepping into my role as Executive Director in February, I have been continually inspired by the dedication, passion, and generosity that surround our mission to promote mental wellness.
This year, we’ve accomplished so much together, and behind every milestone, I see the faces of those who make this work possible—our board members, staff, sponsors, donors, partners, grant funders, and volunteers. Your contributions, whether through time, expertise, or financial support, enable us to extend vital programs and services to our community.
This Thanksgiving, as you gather with loved ones, please know how deeply we appreciate your role in creating a world where mental wellness is accessible and stigma-free. Together, we are shaping a future of dignity, opportunity, and recovery for all.
Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and joyous Thanksgiving.
With gratitude,